A wild integration journey
Dear Steve, Austin and Jesse,
I just wanted to take a moment and deeply thank the three of you for all the love, compassion, and support you have provided me during one of my darkest times. Thank you so much for being there for me, and giving your time, energy and care. Thank you for believing in my ability to get where I needed to go and to heal. At a time when I didn’t believe in myself, you held that vision and possibility for me. You created a sense of hope when I had none. All three of you are such special, generous and wonderful souls, and you will always have my profound gratitude. Thank you so much for the important, life changing work you have dedicated your lives to. You help create more light and love in this world.
I know life will continue to have its ups and downs and challenges…. And right now I feel so much more equipped, capable and trusting that I will be able to handle whatever comes my way. So long as I am able to be present with, and compassionately greet whatever feelings, thoughts or sensations arise in me with acceptance and open curiosity (and then provide myself with the nurturing I need) I know I can get through it. I know I will be able to touch that place of loving awareness and wisdom I reached during my ceremony. I don’t need to grasp for it, I can trust it is always there, even in times it feels distant or when I’m resisting it. This is what I had been searching for, and I look forward to seeing how this deep knowing plays out in my life.
This integration journey has been wild. Nothing could have mentally prepared me for it…No amount of research I did prior, information the website or others provided, etc, nothing other than just experiencing it all myself as it unfolded. And it likely still is unfolding.
When I was at the retreat, and we were all seated around the table nearing the end of our stay, and Steve had asked us something along the lines of what key saying/knowledge/phrase/or sentiment we wanted to use to going forward to help us remember or solidify our learnings… I recall what kept coming to me was the word “trust”.
Trust in my ability, trust in the process and unfolding, trust in the loving awareness, trust in others and the collective oneness, just trust.
I had no idea just how hard that was going to be during the dark times, but even if I couldn’t authentically feel that “trust”, a little voice within me still whispered it throughout and thus a small part of me held tight even when most of me just wanted to give up and end the pain.
Thank you again for seeing me through, and staying with me until I could see the light again.
I will go forth in life looking for ways to be of service and pay it forward.
If you need another enfold angel or anything, I feel capable of that now.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year.
With endless love and gratitude,