What is 5-MeO-DMT?

5-MeO-DMT is a medicine unlike any other

5-MeO-DMT, often referred to as “Bufo” or “The God Molecule,” is one of the most potent and unique psychedelic compounds known to humanity. Found naturally in the venom of the Sonoran Desert toad (Bufo alvarius) and in trace amounts in certain plants, it can also be synthesized to ensure ethical and sustainable use. Unlike many traditional psychedelics, such as psilocybin or ayahuasca, 5-MeO-DMT bypasses visual or narrative experiences, taking participants directly to a somatic and spiritual depth. It has the extraordinary ability to dissolve the ego entirely, bringing individuals into profound non-dual states where the sense of self dissolves and only the experience of pure being remains. This moment of “oneness” is often described as an encounter with the infinite, where the boundaries of time, space, and identity disappear.

What makes 5-MeO-DMT exceptional is its focus on the body and the nervous system, allowing for profound somatic releases that clear deeply stored trauma and energetic blockages. The experience can range from blissful and serene to deeply challenging, depending on what arises for the individual.

Working with 5-MeO-DMT requires careful preparation, expert guidance, and ongoing integration support to fully harness its potential and navigate its complexities. At Enfold, we honour this powerful medicine with a framework that emphasizes safety, intentionality, and support. We consider our role in guiding these experiences sacred, taking on this responsibility with the utmost seriousness and care.


Is 5-MeO-DMT right for me?

When considering 5-MeO-DMT it can seem confusing, hearing differing stories from different people with different backgrounds.

That’s why we’ve put together a video series on the main considerations and frequently asked questions around 5-MeO-DMT.

Watch Video Series

Enfold x UHN Research Study

Enfold has partnered with UHN, Canada’s largest research hospital, to produce observational research looking at 5-MeO-DMT in a retreat-based setting. The research will include both a qualitative and quantitative components.

University Health Network (UHN) is a research hospital affiliated with the University of Toronto and a member of the Toronto Academic Health Science Network. The scope of research and complexity of cases at UHN have made it a national and international source for discovery, education and patient care.

This research will be the first time a solid set of data is collected with before and after measures along with precise dosing and set & setting parameters collected.

Learn More

Hear Lana Pribic's 5-MeO Experience

We’re thrilled to sit with Lana Pribic, host of the Modern Psychedelics Podcast & Platform, to explore the profound impact of her 5-MeO-DMT experience at Enfold.

Lana opens up about how 5-MeO-DMT helped her break through limiting beliefs, reset her nervous system, and heal from childhood war-related trauma. She shares how the process allowed her to cultivate an ego-less approach to facilitation and strengthen her relationship with her father in ways she never imagined.

Hear More Stories

Researchers applying an EEG cap on a subject for a 5-MeO-DMT research project

A growing body of research on 5-MeO-DMT

We’ve compiled a collection of all the most recent research on 5-MeO-DMT being done in top institutions and pharmaceutical companies around the world.

5-MeO-DMT Research

World leaders in the Safe & Sacred use of 5-MeO-DMT

Our comprehensive program is designed to help release trauma, connect with purpose & meaning, and regulate the nervous system. We have spent years developing our proprietary protocol to help our guests achieve lasting change while ensuring safety in every possible way.

Awakening to Life

Our approach to safety

Physical Safety

– Physical and medication screening
– Direct chain of custody on all substances
– Lab-grade volumetric dosing measurement
– CPR trained, medical equipment on site
– Pharmacologist on retainer
– Medical emergency plans in place
– AED and other medical devices onsite

Emotional & Psychological Safety

– Psych screening and orientation
– Detailed prep & integration programs
– Private and group calls before/after
– Post-treatment on-call support
– No shamanic or dogmatic belief systems
– Sober facilitation (sadly, not the norm)
– Vetted referral network of expert therapists

SZ, 54, Father of 2

It is the safest, most nourishing way I have been able to experience this powerful medicine and it is an investment in myself that I have been reaping the benefits of, ever since my return from the Intensive.

5-MeO FAQ's

5-MeO-DMT is unique from any other psychedelics and one of the most powerful medicines in the world. It is technically legal in Canada, as an unrestricted substance.

5-MeO-DMT has incredible potential for healing and expanding consciousness. It’s also not a great fit if this is your first foray into personal development work. See the “How do I know if Enfold is the right fit?” question for more on this.

If you’re new to psychedelics, we encourage you to spend some time in our 5-MeO-DMT section to learn more. We offer a wide variety of resources, videos, and free online courses to help you determine if this medicine is right for you.

Generally speaking, our Intensives are for people who have done a good amount of personal development and discovery work before arriving. This might be self-directed learning, therapy, coaching, workshops and retreats, psychedelic work, meditation, etc.

If you’re considering 5-MeO-DMT, know that it is a very powerful experience. It’s not well suited for folks who are just beginning their self-discovery journey. That said, we work with many guests that have never done large-dose psychedelics before. Through the screening process we can help you determine if this medicine is a good fit for you. See our 5-MeO-DMT section for more details.

We will also screen out folks who have physical conditions that affect heart and lung performance, and folks on certain medications. If you’re on SSRIs, or anti-anxiety medications, that’s not necessarily a problem, however if you’re taking any MAOI’s, this medicine is not a safe choice.

We are also not set up to work with people who are dealing with serious instability in their lives. If you’re having trouble managing the basic functions of your life, we are not a good fit. That said, we work with many people dealing with depression, anxiety, trauma, and many other conditions.

If you’d like to talk to someone, book a Discovery Call. There is never any pressure to book on a discovery call. We always want you to feel ready for this experience and to have all the information you need to make the right decision for you.

If you have questions, email arthur@enfold.org.

Take some time in the days leading up to meditate, be still or journal about present themes in your life. Is there something asking to be released? Is there something new you are calling in? Setting a clear intention before going into breathwork will help direct the experience.

Please do not show up hungover or under the influence of any substances. We reserve the right to refuse anyone access to the event upon arrival if we feel you may pose a risk to yourself or others.

Limit or eliminate caffeine leading up to the day of. This will help to calm your nervous system and prepare you for the day ahead.

  • We call our offerings Intensives for a reason. The protocol we’ve designed over the past five years is comprehensive and blends many modalities together to create a deep and lasting impact in your life.
  • Steve & Austin offer world-class facilitation that people describe as deeply healing. Our guest’s stories do the best job of describing their gift for this work.
  • We offer a five-day intensive process that includes multi-week preparation and integration programs. We feel this is mandatory for safety and effectiveness with 5-MeO-DMT. Many facilitators offer what we refer to as “drive-by five”: 2-3 hour sessions where you show up and are served medicine and then sent back out into the world alone. This is unsafe and unproductive in our opinion. We’ve heard from many people who experienced 5-MeO this way and either got very little from the experience or came away with serious dysregulation and psychological issues.
  • Our group intensives are limited to six guests at a time. We have four or five team members working at most times to ensure a high level of support and safety.
  • Included in the price of the Intensive is two weeks of on-call support post-intensive. Plus access to hundreds of resources, community events and integration circles, and access to support from coaches, therapists, and our community of Enfold Angels who offer peer-support sessions.
  • The high-dose medicine ceremony is private. Many group intensives have guests consume the medicine all together so they can serve more people at once. This greatly limits your ability to feel safe and fully surrender to the medicine.
  • We only host 20 intensives per year max. We bring an exceptional level of care, energy, and attention to every person we serve.
  • We’re located in Canada, one of the safest and beautiful countries in the world.

5-MeO-DMT Resources

Learn about 5-MeO-DMT, from preparation through the ceremony and integration experience.