This excerpt is from Healing Kundalini Symptoms by Tara Springett. If you find it helpful please purchase the book.
Higher Consciousness Healing is a meditation and visualization technique designed to help calm your nervous system after a powerful energetic opening.
In this chapter, I will introduce higher-consciousness healing and in the later chapters I will show how to apply it to different problems. This method is a transpersonal psychotherapeutic healing modality that developed 20 years ago and that has brought successful healing to thousands of people. Transpersonal means that in higher-consciousness healing we connect the psychological and spiritual aspects of a person. I have described this method in detail in my book Higher-Consciousness Healing but here I will explain this method again including a few short-cuts and a few extra points to apply it to kundalini problems. I would also like to assure you that this technique has never made any kundalini problems worse but only calms down all symptoms in the fastest way and then dissolves them completely.
Higher-consciousness healing is based on Tibetan Buddhist methods and differs from traditional teachings firstly through the fact that it is a compressed combination of different meditation techniques and, secondly, that I have used my knowledge as a psychotherapist to apply this technique specifically to psychological problems and kundalini symptoms.
The method is therefore not a dubious New Age exercise and it can be practised with the confidence that many variations of similar meditations have been used with great success for millennia by Buddhist practitioners around the world.
Traditional psychotherapy is of only of limited use for kundalini problems because a client in a spiritual awakening process hungers for spiritual answers and solutions. Unfortunately, if someone asks traditional spiritual teachers for guidance with their kundalini symptoms, they will often find little help for the many psychological aspects of the kundalini syndrome. It is only through the integration of spirituality and psychology that I was able to help over a thousand clients in the fastest way to rid themselves of their unpleasant kundalini symptoms and then enjoy the awakening process more positively.
Arousal and calming of the kundalini
To understand why higher-consciousness healing helps so well with kundalini symptoms, we need to understand what arouses the kundalini and what calms it down. Since this process is fundamentally a process of expansion of consciousness, it is therefore fuelled by all mind-expanding techniques such as mindfulness exercises, Vipassana meditation, reincarnation therapy, psychoanalysis and all other methods and activities that make us more aware in one way or another – like reading spiritual books and attending seminars for self-development. Furthermore, the kundalini gets aroused by all energy work such as yoga, tai chi or qigong or any treatment by energy healers because these exercises and treatments melt “the ice” in our energy body and bring up new material from our subconscious to the surface. Furthermore, all emotionally intense experiences will fuel the kundalini because strong emotions often result in even stronger emotions. A fourth way to fuel kundalini is to adopt a general attitude of wholeheartedly surrendering to everything and refusing to control anything.
People who have difficulties with their kundalini process and suffer from many symptoms need to reduce or even stop all spiritual and mind-expanding techniques for a while, including reading spiritual books. The same applies to all meditative physical exercises, breathing exercises and energy treatments such as reiki, acupuncture or homeopathy. It is also important to reduce all intense emotional experiences, for example by avoiding relationship dramas as much as possible and anything else that could upset us. Intense emotions also include experiences of ecstasy and bliss and if someone finds it hard to cope with their symptoms of awakening, they should reduce such experiences until they feel a bit better. They should also check whether they believe that they “have to” surrender to all their experiences and understand that this attitude will only intensify all their symptoms.
To calm the kundalini energy, we should first of all understand that we can influence it and, to a certain extent control it, if we know the right methods. Of course, one of these methods is higher-consciousness healing, which I will explain below. The quintessence of higher-consciousness healing is love and deep relaxation and it is exactly these qualities that will act as a balm to all our out-of-control kundalini symptoms. Therefore, we should reduce all mind-expanding methods and, instead, practice higher-consciousness healing. We should also support this work through grounding activities such as walking, gardening, swimming or cooking.
It is important to understand this see-saw of consciousness expansion at one end and love with relaxation at the other end and then rebalance these factors to make the kundalini process flow steadily without overheating it. When our process calms down too much, we can refuel it again through mind-expanding methods, strong emotional experiences and a lot of devotion. But when too much difficult material from our subconscious or the paranormal world appears, we can soothe and heal ourselves with higher-consciousness healing.
The practice of higher-consciousness healing
Higher-consciousness healing is a technique that requires practice and wi produce a gradual improvement, just as we need to practise a musical instrument to get better step-by-step. In other words, when we use higher-consciousness healing daily, we will gradually feel better but sometimes we may experience days when we are a bit worse. We should not be alarmed by these little ups and downs but always keep practising diligently as if we are learning a new language, a musical instrument or a physical skill like skiing.
There is no such thing as a “bad practice day” or a “bad meditation”.
Every practice day and every meditation is always a success because it forms the basis for further improvements. It is therefore important that we practise in a relaxed manner and kind of “play around” with these exercises like a child instead of trying very hard to force things, only to tense up again. We should also avoid comparing today’s meditation with previous peak experiences because such experiences happen – just as their name indicates – only very rarely.
Higher-consciousness healing teaches us to control our energy body (or emotional body) and, over time, we will be able to turn our emotions and accompanying physical symptoms on or off with the same ease by which we control our physical body. This might sound amazing but it is just as easy (or difficult) as learning to ride a bike or learning to swim.
Unlike many other spiritual techniques, higher-consciousness healing will not produce further kundalini arousal and has been proven over many years in thousands of sessions with kundalini clients to be extremely safe and free of side effects. There is no danger in overusing this method, either. On the contrary, the more you practise it, the more you will benefit from it. You can practise, for example, one or two formal sessions of 10 to 30 minutes each day and the rest of the day you can playfully use this method “on the side” while doing all sorts of other activities.
You do not need to be able to visualise well when using this method; it is enough if you can somehow “imagine” things just as children do when playing. If you find that hard too, you can create simple drawings on a piece of paper. If you find it difficult to concentrate, you can talk out loud to yourself and tell yourself each part of the exercise or ask someone to read it out to you or make a recording of it. You should always imagine yourself from inside out rather than looking at your body from outside.
Sometimes my clients worry that they are “just imagining things” during this exercise and, therefore, that it will not be effective. But this is not the case at all and one should simply proceed playfully and not worry if everything is just fantasy or reality. The healing effect will soon be tangible and that is surely not imaginary.
Some parts of the visualisation require strong concentration where you have to change the inner images that appear in your mind. Do not give up on doing this and keep trying until you succeed in imagining the images the way you want to imagine them. Remember, you are the boss in your energy system and you can and need to bring it in order – just like a parent needs to assert certain rules of behaviour in the family in a gentle but clear way.
Higher Consciousness Healing Practice
First step: Your higher consciousness
Think of your higher consciousness. This is the being with the highest wisdom and love in the whole universe. It’s like a father or mother being who loves you from the bottom of their heart. Name your higher. consciousness by the name that suits you best (God, Goddess, Heavenly Mother, Divine Father, Jesus, Buddha, etc.) Imagine this being enveloped in beautiful light in your heart in the centre of your chest. You can also imagine this being like a ball of light but please do not forget that your higher consciousness is a living being and not something material like a lamp.
The light of your divine father or mother now radiates into your entire body which you imagine as hollow and begins to caress you gently and lovingly – comforting you from the inside. It caresses you especially where you feel physical or emotional discomfort. The light also radiates around you as if your higher consciousness lovingly hugs you. Imagine your higher consciousness telling you all the things that you would have liked to hear from an ideal mother or father when you were a child.
Second step: The protective bubble
Imagine the light of your higher consciousness expanding into a ball of light around you that is as big as your outstretched arms. The bubble has a solid outer border that is about ten centimetres or four inches thick.
Go along the border of your bubble with your inner eye and check if it has any holes, cracks or other imperfections. Don’t try too hard doing this, be playful. You can also try to touch the wall with your hands to check for any holes.
If you find any problems with the boundary of your protective ball, imagine a magic substance and repair those holes. If the ball is too harrow or is collapsing, imagine an inner steel framework that supports the ball from inside as if it was a three-dimensional umbrella. If the ball Jloats uncomfortably above the ground, fix it onto a concrete base in your mind. If the ball filies away, tie it down with big ropes. If any other problem crops up, just invent a solution and imagine implementing it.
Every time you imagine the bubble, try to imagine it being completely perfect until you succeed. Do not give up on this.
This bubble is your inner sanctuary. See if you feel safer now when you feel enveloped by it. If this is not the case, thicken the outer walls of your ball. If you feel as if hostile people or creatures attack your bubble from outside then imagine a second ball that surrounds the first ball at a distance of several metres. Your “enemies” stay outside the second ball and you barely notice them now.
Third step: Self-love
Tune into the love of your higher consciousness and love yourself as if you were your own best friend hugging you. Sincerely and kindly say to yourself, ” wish myself to be happy and healed.”
Check if you have any resistance to this love, such as a feeling of being undeserving of this love. If this is the case, say to yourself, “I love myself with all my problems and weaknesses and especially with (insert your resistance here).” For example, if you think, ‘I’m not worthy of being loved because I have too many negative feelings,” then say to yourself,
‘I love myself with all my problems and weaknesses and especially with all my negative feelings.” Imagine yourself like a suffering child who you want to help.
If you still find loving yourself difficult, think of someone you can easily love. This can also be an animal. Wish this creature to be happy and to be healed. If you can feel a loving feeling, quickly turn it onto yourself without changing it. Try to look at yourself with the same compassionate love as you would look at a small suffering child or animal.
Imagine that all your problems are solved and you are really happy now.
Fourth step: Sending love to other people
If another person is involved in your problem (perhaps because they have hurt you, because you grieve for someone or because you have harmed someone yourself), imagine that person in a second ball of light. This bubble sits between the hands of a second emanation of your very large higher consciousness. Push your higher consciousness with the other person in the ball so far away from yourself that it feels the most comfortable.
Imagine that light starts to flow between the hands of your higher consciousness and fills up the person in the ball from the bottom up. The light will bring healing to this person. If the person has done something bad to you, the divine light will bring them to their senses and helps them to see themselves as they really are. (There will be more about this part of the exercise in the fifth chapter.)
Fifth step: Work with the energy body
Check where in your body you still feel any negative symptoms in the form of painful emotions or physical pain.
Think of your body as hollow and the negative symptom as a contraction of energy. This cramping is symbolised by a tight flower bud.
Smile lovingly into the spot of tension.
As you exhale, imagine the flower bud opening and the contraction of energy dissolving. Imagine that your higher consciousness stands in front of you and you can trustingly open yourself to him or her. Relax the spot of tension as much as possible.
These five steps of higher-consciousness healing are the foundation for the alleviation of all kundalini symptoms. In the book, Tara provides a much more detailed explanation of these steps.