
‘The only dance there is’ by Ram Dass

The only thing you have to offer to another human being, ever, is your own state of being.

A woman dancing on a dock in the sunset

The only thing you have to offer to another human being, ever, is your own state of being. You can cop out only just so long, saying I’ve got all this fine coat—Joseph’s coat of many colors—I know all this and I can do all this. But everything you do, whether you’re cooking food or doing therapy or being a student or being a lover, you are only doing your own being, you’re only manifesting how evolved a consciousness you are. That’s what you’re doing with another human being. That’s the only dance there is! When you’re protesting against somebody, the degree of consciousness with which you’re protesting determines how well they can hear what it is you’re really saying.

From The Only Dance There Is by Ram Dass