IMG_4936_jpg - Jennifer Saunders
Jen S.

The Details:

Age range: 30-40

Jen’s 5-MeO Ceremony Experience:

My experience with 5-MeO was a remembering of who I truly am, under all the layers of expectations and armour that have built up over my lifetime. This is not to say that the full experience was ultimately blissful haha, it certainly was far from that! A large part of my experience was deeply painful where I saw clearly how hard I have been on myself with setting unrealistic expectations and constantly never giving myself the grace to just be me. In my experience I saw this with a new perspective, I grieved years of pain and suffering, seeing myself through fresh eyes. I think my experience at Enfold taught me how to begin loving myself again.

Jen’s 5-MeO Integration Experience:

If I’m being honest, my integration was challenging. I stepped back into a life which I had built from a place of lack, self-abandonment and deep people pleasing. Coming out of Enfold I had an increased sense of awareness to my historical patterns, and I no longer felt I could burry my head in the sand. I feel incredibly grateful that I had a loving partner and wonderful friends that allowed me to lean on them during this period of transition. It’s now been about 1.5 years since my experience at Enfold and my entire life has changed. I feel more connected to myself, have a clear sense of I want in life, and have built a level of trust for life that previously I did not know was possible.

What Initially Drew Jen to Enfold:

I was referred to Enfold through a friend who spoke highly of her experience with 5-MeO. I had done lots of therapy and had experimented with psychedelics but always recreationally. I wanted to invest in myself and my personal therapeutic work and Enfold felt like a great opportunity to do just that.

Contacting our Enfold Angels volunteers for any reason besides support is strictly prohibited. Enfold Angels volunteers are just that, volunteers. They offer their time as peer support. They are not therapists and do not offer professional advice. If you experiencing a mental health crisis please reach out to a mental health professional or go to the nearest hospital. Enfold is not responsible for any interactions between you and community counsel volunteers.